If you have a PRN file with NZMG grid references it can still be analysed using this webpage.

STEP 1 - Input Well/bore numbers

NOTE: If you already have a PRN file you can skip this step and upload it below in Step 3

Add Well numbers or a Consent/Application number:


Add details for a "virtual well" that doesn't exist on the Wells Database:
NOTE: Grid reference used are NZTM. If you need to convert to NZTM you can use either of these links:

NZTMX  NZTMY Depth Q7  Q150

Selected well details

STEP 2 - Set parameters to use

(Recommended values are set as the default values)

Maximum radius for consideration of drawdown: m

Minimum drawdown to include in cummulative effect : m

Nominal flow for unconsented wells (Domestic or Stock): l/s

STEP 3 - Get the PRN file

Either generate it using the the parameters entered in Step 1 and 2 above:

PLEASE NOTE: This may take some time to process depending on connection speed and server availability.


Upload an existing PRN file

STEP 4 - Data Checks

STEP 5 - Analysis Parameters

Use Lodgement Date
(Formally Notifiable Date)
Pumping Duration 1 (short) days
Pumping Duration 2 (season) days
Proportion of maximum allocated volume used over 150 days
Assumed standard screen length m
Assumed standard pump length m
Adequate penetration depth of aquifer m
Proportion of drawdown reserved for well

STEP 6 - Aquifer Parameters

Well depth range considered for Tcalc and Pumping Aquifer m to m
Transmissivity m2/d
Leakage Factor m OR K/B 1/day (>0 Hantush)
Specific Yield of overlying aquifer (>0 to use Hunt and Scott)
Transmissivity of overlying aquifer (>0 to use W_11 Eta_11)